*Did you know that only one tenth of all salmon eggs survive long enough to experience the, later, smolts stage?
*Did you know that salmon begin their life in fresh water, travel to the open ocean for a few years, and then return (to reproduce)?
*Did you know that the myth that salmon, when they are to reproduce, return to the exact spot where they once were born, is true?
*Did you know that salmon live where glaciers once were?
*Did you know that salmon travel great distances? And this doesn't mean a few miles, or 50 - but some salmon in idahoo travel 900miles.
*Did you know they are good climbers, also? The aforementioned salmon species, on the same journey, climb 2100m (7000feet)
*Yes, I said "salmon species". ...As salmon are actually not one fish, but a common name for a number of fishes, from a family where trouts also adher to - and salmon differentiate from trout in that, as opposed to the trout's static nature, travel.